Prayer of the People-Traditional Service, Nov. 19, 2006Scripture Reference: 1 Samuel 1:4-20
Holy One of Blessing—
Whose graciousness fills all of creation,
We come, like Hannah,
To talk with You,
To rest in Your presence
To just be, with you, in this time that we’ve set aside,
Just for you, God.
And also like Hannah,
We, each and every one of us,
Hold in our hearts that one thing that we want more than anything else.
Some of these things are good and right
And we can relax and know that they will come in your time.
Some are not good,
And from those we need to be released,
So that we can again be fully in accord with you.
And some are good, but not right for us.
These are the hardest, Lord,
Because it’s so easy for us to say, “Why not?”
Help us trust you with those, as well,
To recognize, that you always know best,
And that even though we want to be the ones in control,
It’s really best when you are.
We place all these things in your hands,
And we also place into your hands these names that we lift this morning.
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And alongside these, we place all those other things that remain unsaid,
The secrets, the worries, the fears.
We ask that you bring healing where healing is needed,
Strength where strength is needed
Compassion and forgiveness where love is needed,
Comfort where comfort is needed,
And joy and peace to us all.
As always, let us and those we love, be open and aware of your presence, your care and your gifts in our lives,
As we pray together the prayer you taught us to pray.
Our Father…
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