Monday, May 19, 2008

Getting ready for the new job

So, I've been free from my last job for a week now, and I'm starting to try and get into the groove for my new one. I spent the afternoon researching my first sermon for June 8th. It's going to be on Abraham's call in Genesis. I think it's kind of neat that the lectionary verses for the Sunday that I start my journey with my new congregation are the one's where God calls Abram to leave his home and go to a new place.

Daughter is settled in her new place, although she still doesn't have TV or internet. Of the two, the one she really misses is the internet. That's her primary social network so it's really tough for her. But, I think she's arranged to get it put in next week.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Back again!

I can't believe that it's been so long since my last post. I can't seem to keep up with posting, but I can't seem to let it go either. Right now, I'm just sitting here in pain. We've spent the weekend moving our daughter to a new appartment. This is her first one where she'll be loiving by herself. She's excited to finally have a place that's all her own, but it's going to be really different for her, too. Especially since it's really out of the student area of the town where all her friends are. That makes it a lot cheaper, but I hope she doesn't let herself get isolated.

Anyway, we moved her in this weekend and naturally it's unfurnished and also, naturally, it's on the second floor. So, we spent the last two days hauling funiture, food, and stuff upstairs. I am so tired and soooo sore. I knew I was out of shape, but not that bad. I am so going to have to get moving.